Bangalore selections and investment plans 15/2/14

Race no 1:#6 Abba place
Race no 2:#4 Extra Spark win 
Race no 3:#10 Smart connections win 
Race no 4:#7 Smokey Sid win 
Race no 5:#4 Nuray win 
Race no 6:#6 Inspirator win/place 
Race no 7:#5 Ace Lexington win 
Race no 8:#7 Star of destiny win 

Investment plans for the day 

Nuray win 3000 smokey sid win 1000 
Star of destiny win 1000 extra spark win 1000 smart connections win 2000 

Total investment 8 grands 

Extra Spark win 41 1000 4100 
Nuray win 15 3000 4500 
Star of destiny 34 1000 3400 

Total returns 12000 

Profit for the day:4000 

Overall status:+22750 


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